Vero Beach Counseling. Helen Jessup Murray, LMHC 1850 43rd Ave, Suite C-11, Vero Beach, FL 32960 (772) 770-4501
Let's Talk About...

Caregiver Support

Care for the caregiver!

Caregivers can be a family member who are a caregiver for any client. The caregiver of a chronically ill person is often a family member. This family member usually does not care for themselves as well as they do for their loved ones. Therapy includes how to manage self-compassion at the same time a loved one is given care. Therapy revolves around how to accomplish self-care, not only through therapy, but by the recommendation of support groups {not a therapy group, but held and run by a group member). 

It is ESSENTIAL that caregivers take care of their own emotional needs. 
Often the last person to identify their needs, caregivers (sometimes broken down into support groups by the needs of the family member) might attend Alzheimer’s support groups or support groups for those caring for someone with cancer. Care for the caregiver is very important: each person needs to have a safe place in which to deal with their very full lives.

Helen also recommends group therapy for caregivers

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Caregiver Support

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